
Hong Kong Disneyland Satellite Picture !


It seemed like this imagery would never show up… At last: Hong Kong Disneyland seen from the sky.

It obviously dates from a few months before opening, by clicking on the image itself, you’ll get a higher definition of the 5th Kingdom.

By licking here, you’ll get a picture encompassing the whole resort on which we can notice a lot of land is left. Easy to guess where the second gate would go.

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  • steve2wdw

    It’s great to finally see HKDL from the sky…they didn’t seem to leave much room for expansion. Yes, there is land outside the tracks, but not nearly as much as I expected. They’re going to have to get real creative to get this to a “normal MK” size.

  • Anonymous

    When will Hong Kong Disneyland be available on Google Earth? I have been waiting for almost 2 years now.